The younger son of the late Aga Khan III was such an outstanding man in every way, in particular because of his untiring work at the highest level for the United Nations, but also because of his many initiatives to draw the attention of the world to the dangers of nuclear proliferation, the destruction of our environment and globalisation, that I was convinced that someone would write his biography. After appealing to several established publishers on both sides of the Atlantic and finding that none of them could sponsor a biography, I gave in to unrelenting encouragement from others and decided to do my best to depict the extraordinary work and equally extraordinary personality of Prince Sadruddin. The book has been published very recently, in January in Great Britain and in March in Switzerland. Both language versions are shortly to feature in a launch at the Palais des Nations, Geneva on 20 April 2017.
Related links :
- Book Depository (to order English version)
- Editions Cabedita (to order French version)

This long needed biography seeks to do belated justice to a great humanitarian, who saw what was coming down the line and what would be needed, and who never abandoned his commitment, not just to principles, but to the capacity for men and women and their institutions to make the world a better, safer place, not least for the uprooted.
Professor Guy S. Goodwin-Gill
Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan Humanitarian and Visionary